This bunch of scallywags came ashore to plunder for confectionary treasure! I heard one of them say to an innocent land dweller "Give me the candy, and no one gets hurt"!
Hmmm..., I'm not convinced this pirate would frighten anyone!
Ok, a little scarier...
Well.....not really! But the eye patch is cool!
Now I'm feeling the teeniest bit scared!
Ok, not really! The only thing frightening about these sea farers is how adorable they are! They are so cute, it's scary!
What a fantastic band of trick or treaters! Jonah's beard is the best! Kamberlynne looks like Wendy to Peter Pan's Lost Boys, hey, maybe that's a great idea for next year... Oh, yeah, and Bekah is already ready to play Tinkerbell.
Okay, I looked again and they are gorgeous pirates!Great job! I'm also thinking singing Renaissance minstrels for next year...
We Love The Cousins!
I can't believe those are your kids! The blogging world has helped me feel so much more connected to you and the kids but yet still every time I see Kamberlynne it throws me! I can't believe that beautiful lady is the baby I loved to dress up and take for ice cream in Utah! Where have the years gone? that's scary!
Holy smokes Catherine-and kids! How gorgeous can you all get! Loo-you are stunningly beautiful. Always knew you would be, but you're even more beautiful than I ever imagined. And what handsome brothers! Your poor parents are going to need to go to school to learn how to be bodyguards for such amazing beauties! How I wish I could give you all a HUGE hug.
mom you are amazing I am so glad you did this blogging thing!!
I love you!
Those are some of the best pirates I ever did see. Pretty great photography too. What can I say? As always, I am impressed.
I totally agree, it is scary how cute they all are! They be the best pirates I've ever seen. Love you all! Jenn
Yes they are really really cute, I'd have to agree with you and everyone else.
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