I actually started to post these special pics a couple weeks ago after a beautiful church meeting on the importance of the Temple in our lives. The DC temple President spoke and encouraged everyone to take their children to the temple often. He said,
"Let them touch the walls. Let them dream about entering. Let it become a part of them."
Each year we take our children to get temple pictures with each of them at the east door. It has been a tradition from the beginning of our parenting, and continues to be a special and anticipated trip. Because of the love of our Savior, it is the temple that binds us eternally, and gives us the hope of being with all of our loved ones forever. Mariah is close at the temple, and I imagine her with us here.
This year I made the pics into a book for our Sunday bag. I hope it turns out!
Before Brian and I were married, if you would have asked us what we'd like to be doing in 15 years it would go something like this! "We want a big happy family! Catherine could homeschool the kids, and Brian could coach their sports teams. We'll serve in the church and teach our children about Jesus. Maybe we'll even adopt some kids!" Well, we're living our dream, and we love it! God is good!