SHOWTIME!!!! This Friday 7:00 pm & and Saturday 3:00 and 7:00 Bel Air Reckford Armory
With 4 Washburns gracing the stage, and 2 more behind the scenes!
A few teaser shots....
Blue Fairy and Geppetto
Blue Fairy and Stromboli
Wait till you see Kamberlynne's Blue Fairy....she's got wings AND *attitude*!!!!
Christian, Jonah, and Indy all have solo lines and vocal features...just haven't gotten pics yet. But never fear...that won't last for long! Momma is behind the curtain as musical director, and Dad has helped with the set (and a lot of daddy time with Bekah and Briella)! This week is "tech week"...12 hours of rehearsal between Monday and Thursday, then 3 shows!!! A few things are for certain...we will all be TIRED by the end of the week, the house will be a complete WRECK, Brian will be more than READY to have his wife back, we will be OUT of hairspray, we will order pizza for dinner AT LEAST once, and lastly...
Just about every Monday morning, I take Brian's Sunday tie off the stair railing and back upstairs....but look what I found for the first time this morning....
Before Brian and I were married, if you would have asked us what we'd like to be doing in 15 years it would go something like this! "We want a big happy family! Catherine could homeschool the kids, and Brian could coach their sports teams. We'll serve in the church and teach our children about Jesus. Maybe we'll even adopt some kids!" Well, we're living our dream, and we love it! God is good!